Arduino tutorial: LED Matrix red 16x64 1024 Led driven by MAX7219 DS-1307 DHT-11 and Arduino Mega
CS →10
CS →10
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// Program to demonstrate the MD_Parola library // - Optional use of DS1307 module for time and DHT11 sensor for temp and humidity // - DHT11 library (DHT11) found at // - DS1307 library (MD_DS1307) found at // NOTE: MD_MAX72xx library must be installed and configured for the LED // matrix type being used. Refer documentation included in the MD_MAX72xx // library or see this link: // // // // Use the DS1307 clock module #define USE_DS1307 0 #include <MD_Parola.h> #include <MD_MAX72xx.h> #include <SPI.h> #include "Font_Data.h" #include <MD_DS1307.h> #include <Wire.h> // Use the DHT11 temp and humidity sensor #include <dht.h> dht DHT; #define DHT11_PIN 2 float h = 0; float t = 0; float f = 0; // Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface // NOTE: These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware and may // need to be adapted #define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::FC16_HW #define CLK_PIN 13 #define DATA_PIN 11 #define CS_PIN 10 // HARDWARE SPI MD_Parola P = MD_Parola(HARDWARE_TYPE, CS_PIN, 16); // SOFTWARE SPI //MD_Parola P = MD_Parola(HARDWARE_TYPE, DATA_PIN, CLK_PIN, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); #define SPEED_TIME 80 #define PAUSE_TIME 10 #define MAX_MESG 20 // Global variables char szTime[9]; // mm:ss\0 char szMesg[MAX_MESG+1] = ""; char szsecond[4]; // ss uint8_t degC[] = { 6, 3, 3, 56, 68, 68, 68 }; // Deg C uint8_t degF[] = { 6, 3, 3, 124, 20, 20, 4 }; // Deg F char *mon2str(uint8_t mon, char *psz, uint8_t len) // Get a label from PROGMEM into a char array { static const char str[][4] PROGMEM = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; *psz = '\0'; mon--; if (mon < 12) { strncpy_P(psz, str[mon], len); psz[len] = '\0'; } return(psz); } char *dow2str(uint8_t code, char *psz, uint8_t len) { static const char str[][10] PROGMEM = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }; *psz = '\0'; code--; if (code < 7) { strncpy_P(psz, str[code], len); psz[len] = '\0'; } return(psz); } void getTime(char *psz, bool f = true) // Code for reading clock time { sprintf(psz, "%02d%c%02d", RTC.h, (f ? ':' : ' '), RTC.m); } void getsecond(char *psz) // Code for reading clock date { char szBuf[10]; sprintf(psz, "%02d", RTC.s); } void getDate(char *psz) // Code for reading clock date { char szBuf[10]; sprintf(psz, "%d %s %04d", RTC.dd, mon2str(, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)-1), RTC.yyyy); } void getTemperature() { DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN); h = DHT.humidity; t = DHT.temperature; // Read temperature as Fahrenheit f = (1.8 * DHT.temperature)+32; } void setup(void) { // initialise the LED display P.begin(4); // Set up zones for 4 halves of the display // Each zone gets a different font, making up the top // and bottom half of each letter P.setZone(0, 0, 1); P.setZone(1, 2, 7); P.setZone(2, 10, 15); P.setZone(3, 8, 9); P.setFont(0, NULL); P.setFont(1, BigFontLower); P.setFont(2, BigFontUpper); P.setFont(3, NULL); P.displayZoneText(0, szsecond, PA_CENTER, SPEED_TIME, PAUSE_TIME, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); P.displayZoneText(1, szTime, PA_LEFT, SPEED_TIME, PAUSE_TIME, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); P.displayZoneText(2, szTime, PA_LEFT, SPEED_TIME, PAUSE_TIME, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); P.displayZoneText(3, szMesg, PA_CENTER, SPEED_TIME, PAUSE_TIME, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); P.addChar('$', degC); P.addChar('&', degF); RTC.control(DS1307_CLOCK_HALT, DS1307_OFF); RTC.control(DS1307_12H, DS1307_OFF); RTC.readTime(); } void loop(void) { static uint32_t lastTime = 0; // millis() memory static uint8_t display = 0; // current display mode static bool flasher = false; // seconds passing flasher P.displayAnimate(); if (P.getZoneStatus(3)) { switch (display) { case 0: // day of week P.setTextEffect(3, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); display++; dow2str(RTC.dow, szMesg, MAX_MESG); break; case 1: // Calendar P.setTextEffect(3, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); display++; getDate(szMesg); break; case 2: // Temperature deg F P.setTextEffect(3, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); display++; getTemperature(); dtostrf(t, 3, 1, szMesg); strcat(szMesg, "$"); break; case 3: // Temperature deg F P.setTextEffect(3, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); display++; dtostrf(f, 3, 1, szMesg); strcat(szMesg, "&"); break; case 4: // Relative Humidity P.setTextEffect(3, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); display = 0; dtostrf(h, 3, 0, szMesg); strcat(szMesg, "% RH"); break; } P.displayReset(3); } // Finally, adjust the time string if we have to if (millis() - lastTime >= 1000) { RTC.readTime(); lastTime = millis(); getsecond(szsecond); getTime(szTime, flasher); flasher = !flasher; P.displayReset(0); P.displayReset(1); P.displayReset(2); } }
// Data file for user example user defined fonts #ifndef FONTDATA_H #define FONTDATA_H MD_MAX72XX::fontType_t BigFontLower[] PROGMEM = { 0, // 0 0, // 1 0, // 2 0, // 3 0, // 4 0, // 5 0, // 6 0, // 7 0, // 8 0, // 9 0, // 10 0, // 11 0, // 12 0, // 13 0, // 14 0, // 15 0, // 16 0, // 17 0, // 18 0, // 19 0, // 20 0, // 21 0, // 22 0, // 23 0, // 24 0, // 25 0, // 26 0, // 27 0, // 28 0, // 29 0, // 30 0, // 31 4,0,0,0,0, // 32 - 'Space' 2,103,103, // 33 - '!' 6,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 34 - '"' 10,6,6,127,127,6,6,127,127,6,6, // 35 - '#' 10,48,112,97,97,255,255,97,115,63,30, // 36 - '$' 10,0,96,120,30,7,1,48,120,120,48, // 37 - '%' 10,30,63,115,97,97,103,63,28,126,102, // 38 - '&' 2,0,0, // 39 - ''' 5,7,31,60,112,96, // 40 - '(' 5,96,112,60,31,7, // 41 - ')' 10,3,3,1,0,15,15,0,1,3,3, // 42 - '*' 10,1,1,1,1,31,31,1,1,1,1, // 43 - '+' 2,96,224, // 44 - ',' 10,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, // 45 - '-' 2,96,96, // 46 - '.' 8,96,120,30,7,1,0,0,0, // 47 - '/' 10,31,63,112,96,96,96,96,112,63,31, // 48 - '0' 10,0,0,96,96,127,127,96,96,0,0, // 49 - '1' 10,96,112,120,124,110,103,99,97,96,96, // 50 - '2' 10,24,56,112,96,96,97,97,113,63,30, // 51 - '3' 10,7,7,6,6,6,6,127,127,6,6, // 52 - '4' 10,24,56,112,96,96,96,96,112,63,31, // 53 - '5' 10,31,63,112,96,96,96,96,113,63,31, // 54 - '6' 10,0,0,0,127,127,1,0,0,0,0, // 55 - '7' 10,30,63,115,97,97,97,97,115,63,30, // 56 - '8' 10,0,0,97,97,113,57,29,15,7,3, // 57 - '9' 4,0,12,12,0, // 58 - ':' 2, 97,225, // 59 - ';' 8,1,3,7,14,28,56,112,96, // 60 - '<' 10,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12, // 61 - '=' 8,96,112,56,28,14,7,3,1, // 62 - '>' 10,0,0,0,0,111,111,1,0,0,0, // 63 - '?' 10,31,63,112,103,111,111,111,108,111,39, // 64 - '@' 10,127,127,6,6,6,6,6,6,127,127, // 65 - 'A' 10,127,127,97,97,97,97,97,115,63,30, // 66 - 'B' 10,31,63,96,96,96,96,96,112,56,24, // 67 - 'C' 10,127,127,96,96,96,96,96,112,63,31, // 68 - 'D' 10,127,127,97,97,97,97,97,97,96,96, // 69 - 'E' 10,127,127,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0, // 70 - 'F' 10,31,63,112,96,96,96,97,113,63,31, // 71 - 'G' 10,127,127,1,1,1,1,1,1,127,127, // 72 - 'H' 6,96,96,127,127,96,96, // 73 - 'I' 8,24,56,112,96,96,112,63,31, // 74 - 'J' 10,127,127,3,3,7,14,28,56,112,96, // 75 - 'K' 10,127,127,96,96,96,96,96,96,96,96, // 76 - 'L' 10,127,127,0,0,0,0,0,0,127,127, // 77 - 'M' 10,127,127,0,0,1,7,28,48,127,127, // 78 - 'N' 10,31,63,112,96,96,96,96,112,63,31, // 79 - 'O' 10,127,127,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0, // 80 - 'P' 10,31,63,112,96,96,108,124,56,127,111, // 81 - 'Q' 10,127,127,1,3,7,15,29,57,112,96, // 82 - 'R' 10,48,112,97,97,97,97,97,115,63,30, // 83 - 'S' 10,0,0,0,0,127,127,0,0,0,0, // 84 - 'T' 10,31,63,112,96,96,96,96,112,63,31, // 85 - 'U' 10,7,15,28,56,112,112,56,28,15,7, // 86 - 'V' 10,31,63,112,120,62,62,120,112,63,31, // 87 - 'W' 10,120,124,14,7,3,3,7,14,124,120, // 88 - 'X' 10,0,0,0,0,127,127,0,0,0,0, // 89 - 'Y' 10,120,124,110,103,99,97,96,96,96,96, // 90 - 'Z' 4,127,127,96,96, // 91 - '[' 8,0,0,0,1,7,30,120,96, // 92 - '\' 4,96,96,127,127, // 93 - ']' 10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 94 - '^' 10,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192, // 95 - '_' 3,0,0,0, // 96 - '`' 10,24,60,102,102,102,102,102,102,127,63, // 97 - 'a' 10,127,127,96,96,96,96,96,112,63,31, // 98 - 'b' 10,31,63,112,96,96,96,96,112,57,25, // 99 - 'c' 10,31,63,112,96,96,96,96,96,127,127, // 100 - 'd' 10,31,63,118,102,102,102,102,118,55,19, // 101 - 'e' 7,1,127,127,1,1,0,0, // 102 - 'f' 10,35,103,238,204,204,204,204,236,127,63, // 103 - 'g' 10,127,127,0,0,0,0,0,0,127,127, // 104 - 'h' 2,127,127, // 105 - 'i' 8,24,56,112,96,96,112,63,31, // 106 - 'j' 8,127,127,14,15,31,57,112,96, // 107 - 'k' 6,96,96,127,127,96,96, // 108 - 'l' 10,127,127,0,0,127,127,0,0,127,127, // 109 - 'm' 10,127,127,1,1,0,0,0,0,127,127, // 110 - 'n' 10,31,63,112,96,96,96,96,112,63,31, // 111 - 'o' 10,255,255,24,24,24,24,24,28,15,7, // 112 - 'p' 10,7,15,28,24,24,24,24,24,255,255, // 113 - 'q' 10,127,127,3,1,0,0,0,0,1,1, // 114 - 'r' 10,49,115,102,102,102,102,102,126,60,24, // 115 - 's' 8,0,0,31,63,112,112,56,24, // 116 - 't' 10,31,63,112,96,96,96,96,112,63,31, // 117 - 'u' 10,7,15,28,56,112,112,56,28,15,7, // 118 - 'v' 10,31,63,112,112,62,62,112,112,63,31, // 119 - 'w' 10,96,112,57,31,15,15,31,57,112,96, // 120 - 'x' 10,3,7,206,204,204,204,204,236,127,63, // 121 - 'y' 10,96,112,120,124,110,103,99,97,96,96, // 122 - 'z' 6,1,3,31,62,112,96, // 123 - '{' 2,255,255, // 124 - '|' 6,96,112,62,31,3,1, // 125 - '}' 0, // 126 0, // 127 0, // 128 0, // 129 0, // 130 0, // 131 0, // 132 0, // 133 0, // 134 0, // 135 0, // 136 0, // 137 0, // 138 0, // 139 0, // 140 0, // 141 0, // 142 0, // 143 0, // 144 0, // 145 0, // 146 0, // 147 0, // 148 0, // 149 0, // 150 0, // 151 0, // 152 0, // 153 0, // 154 0, // 155 0, // 156 0, // 157 0, // 158 0, // 159 0, // 160 0, // 161 0, // 162 0, // 163 0, // 164 0, // 165 0, // 166 0, // 167 0, // 168 0, // 169 0, // 170 0, // 171 0, // 172 0, // 173 0, // 174 0, // 175 0, // 176 0, // 177 0, // 178 0, // 179 0, // 180 0, // 181 0, // 182 0, // 183 0, // 184 0, // 185 0, // 186 0, // 187 0, // 188 0, // 189 0, // 190 0, // 191 0, // 192 0, // 193 0, // 194 0, // 195 0, // 196 0, // 197 0, // 198 0, // 199 0, // 200 0, // 201 0, // 202 0, // 203 0, // 204 0, // 205 0, // 206 0, // 207 0, // 208 0, // 209 0, // 210 0, // 211 0, // 212 0, // 213 0, // 214 0, // 215 0, // 216 0, // 217 0, // 218 0, // 219 0, // 220 0, // 221 0, // 222 0, // 223 0, // 224 0, // 225 0, // 226 0, // 227 0, // 228 0, // 229 0, // 230 0, // 231 0, // 232 0, // 233 0, // 234 0, // 235 0, // 236 0, // 237 0, // 238 0, // 239 0, // 240 0, // 241 0, // 242 0, // 243 0, // 244 0, // 245 0, // 246 0, // 247 0, // 248 0, // 249 0, // 250 0, // 251 0, // 252 0, // 253 0, // 254 0, // 255 }; MD_MAX72XX::fontType_t BigFontUpper[] PROGMEM = { 0, // 0 0, // 1 0, // 2 0, // 3 0, // 4 0, // 5 0, // 6 0, // 7 0, // 8 0, // 9 0, // 10 0, // 11 0, // 12 0, // 13 0, // 14 0, // 15 0, // 16 0, // 17 0, // 18 0, // 19 0, // 20 0, // 21 0, // 22 0, // 23 0, // 24 0, // 25 0, // 26 0, // 27 0, // 28 0, // 29 0, // 30 0, // 31 4,0,0,0,0, // 32 - 'Space' 2,254,254, // 33 - '!' 6,14,14,0,0,14,14, // 34 - '"' 10,96,96,254,254,96,96,254,254,96,96, // 35 - '#' 10,120,252,206,134,255,255,134,134,14,12, // 36 - '$' 10,12,30,30,12,128,224,120,30,6,0, // 37 - '%' 10,0,0,152,252,230,230,60,24,0,0, // 38 - '&' 2,14,14, // 39 - ''' 5,224,248,60,14,6, // 40 - '(' 5,6,14,60,248,224, // 41 - ')' 10,24,184,240,224,254,254,224,240,184,24, // 42 - '*' 10,128,128,128,128,248,248,128,128,128,128, // 43 - '+' 2,0,0, // 44 - ',' 10,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128, // 45 - '-' 2,0,0, // 46 - '.' 8,0,0,0,128,224,120,30,6, // 47 - '/' 10,248,252,14,6,6,6,6,14,252,248, // 48 - '0' 10,0,0,24,28,254,254,0,0,0,0, // 49 - '1' 10,24,28,14,6,6,6,134,206,252,120, // 50 - '2' 10,24,28,14,6,6,134,134,142,252,120, // 51 - '3' 10,128,192,224,112,56,28,254,254,0,0, // 52 - '4' 10,126,126,102,102,102,102,102,230,198,134, // 53 - '5' 10,248,252,198,198,198,198,198,198,140,8, // 54 - '6' 10,6,6,6,6,134,198,230,118,62,30, // 55 - '7' 10,56,124,206,134,134,134,134,206,124,56, // 56 - '8' 10,120,252,206,134,134,134,134,206,252,248, // 57 - '9' 4,0,48,48,0, // 58 - ':' 2,128,128, // 59 - ';' 8,128,192,224,112,56,28,14,6, // 60 - '<' 10,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48, // 61 - '=' 8,6,14,28,56,112,224,192,128, // 62 - '>' 10,24,28,14,6,6,134,134,206,252,120, // 63 - '?' 10,248,252,14,230,246,246,230,14,252,248, // 64 - '@' 10,248,252,14,6,6,6,6,14,252,248, // 65 - 'A' 10,254,254,134,134,134,134,134,206,252,120, // 66 - 'B' 10,248,252,6,6,6,6,6,14,28,24, // 67 - 'C' 10,254,254,6,6,6,6,6,14,252,248, // 68 - 'D' 10,254,254,134,134,134,134,134,134,6,6, // 69 - 'E' 10,254,254,134,134,134,134,134,134,6,6, // 70 - 'F' 10,248,252,14,6,6,6,134,142,156,152, // 71 - 'G' 10,254,254,128,128,128,128,128,128,254,254, // 72 - 'H' 6,6,6,254,254,6,6, // 73 - 'I' 8,6,6,6,6,6,6,254,254, // 74 - 'J' 10,254,254,192,192,224,112,56,28,14,6, // 75 - 'K' 10,254,254,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 76 - 'L' 10,254,254,28,56,240,240,56,28,254,254, // 77 - 'M' 10,254,254,28,112,192,0,0,0,254,254, // 78 - 'N' 10,248,252,14,6,6,6,6,14,252,248, // 79 - 'O' 10,254,254,134,134,134,134,134,206,252,120, // 80 - 'P' 10,248,252,14,6,6,6,6,14,252,248, // 81 - 'Q' 10,254,254,134,134,134,134,134,206,252,120, // 82 - 'R' 10,120,252,206,134,134,134,134,134,14,12, // 83 - 'S' 10,6,6,6,6,254,254,6,6,6,6, // 84 - 'T' 10,254,254,0,0,0,0,0,0,254,254, // 85 - 'U' 10,254,254,0,0,0,0,0,0,254,254, // 86 - 'V' 10,254,254,0,0,0,0,0,0,254,254, // 87 - 'W' 10,30,62,48,224,192,192,224,112,62,30, // 88 - 'X' 10,30,62,112,224,192,192,224,112,62,30, // 89 - 'Y' 10,6,6,6,6,134,198,230,118,62,30, // 90 - 'Z' 4,254,254,6,6, // 91 - '[' 8,6,30,120,224,128,0,0,0, // 92 - '\' 4,6,6,254,254, // 93 - ']' 10,96,112,56,28,14,14,28,56,112,96, // 94 - '^' 10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 95 - '_' 3,6,30,24, // 96 - '`' 10,0,192,224,96,96,96,96,224,192,128, // 97 - 'a' 10,254,254,96,96,96,96,96,224,192,128, // 98 - 'b' 10,128,192,224,96,96,96,96,224,192,128, // 99 - 'c' 10,128,192,224,96,96,96,96,96,254,254, // 100 - 'd' 10,128,192,224,96,96,96,96,224,192,128, // 101 - 'e' 7,128,248,252,142,142,28,24, // 102 - 'f' 10,128,192,224,96,96,96,96,96,224,224, // 103 - 'g' 10,254,254,96,96,96,96,96,224,192,128, // 104 - 'h' 2,236,236, // 105 - 'i' 8,0,0,0,0,0,0,230,230, // 106 - 'j' 8,254,254,0,0,128,192,224,96, // 107 - 'k' 6,6,6,254,254,0,0, // 108 - 'l' 10,224,224,96,96,224,224,96,96,224,192, // 109 - 'm' 10,224,224,128,192,224,96,96,224,192,128, // 110 - 'n' 10,128,192,224,96,96,96,96,224,192,128, // 111 - 'o' 10,224,224,96,96,96,96,96,224,192,128, // 112 - 'p' 10,128,192,224,96,96,96,96,96,224,224, // 113 - 'q' 10,224,224,128,192,224,96,96,224,192,128, // 114 - 'r' 10,128,192,96,96,96,96,96,96,192,192, // 115 - 's' 8,96,96,254,254,96,96,96,96, // 116 - 't' 10,224,224,0,0,0,0,0,0,224,224, // 117 - 'u' 10,224,224,0,0,0,0,0,0,224,224, // 118 - 'v' 10,224,224,0,0,0,0,0,0,224,224, // 119 - 'w' 10,96,224,192,128,0,0,128,192,224,96, // 120 - 'x' 10,224,224,0,0,0,0,0,0,224,224, // 121 - 'y' 10,96,96,96,96,96,96,224,224,224,96, // 122 - 'z' 6,128,192,248,124,14,6, // 123 - '{' 2,255,255, // 124 - '|' 6,6,14,124,248,192,128, // 125 - '}' 0, // 126 0, // 127 0, // 128 0, // 129 0, // 130 0, // 131 0, // 132 0, // 133 0, // 134 0, // 135 0, // 136 0, // 137 0, // 138 0, // 139 0, // 140 0, // 141 0, // 142 0, // 143 0, // 144 0, // 145 0, // 146 0, // 147 0, // 148 0, // 149 0, // 150 0, // 151 0, // 152 0, // 153 0, // 154 0, // 155 0, // 156 0, // 157 0, // 158 0, // 159 0, // 160 0, // 161 0, // 162 0, // 163 0, // 164 0, // 165 0, // 166 0, // 167 0, // 168 0, // 169 0, // 170 0, // 171 0, // 172 0, // 173 0, // 174 0, // 175 0, // 176 0, // 177 0, // 178 0, // 179 0, // 180 0, // 181 0, // 182 0, // 183 0, // 184 0, // 185 0, // 186 0, // 187 0, // 188 0, // 189 0, // 190 0, // 191 0, // 192 0, // 193 0, // 194 0, // 195 0, // 196 0, // 197 0, // 198 0, // 199 0, // 200 0, // 201 0, // 202 0, // 203 0, // 204 0, // 205 0, // 206 0, // 207 0, // 208 0, // 209 0, // 210 0, // 211 0, // 212 0, // 213 0, // 214 0, // 215 0, // 216 0, // 217 0, // 218 0, // 219 0, // 220 0, // 221 0, // 222 0, // 223 0, // 224 0, // 225 0, // 226 0, // 227 0, // 228 0, // 229 0, // 230 0, // 231 0, // 232 0, // 233 0, // 234 0, // 235 0, // 236 0, // 237 0, // 238 0, // 239 0, // 240 0, // 241 0, // 242 0, // 243 0, // 244 0, // 245 0, // 246 0, // 247 0, // 248 0, // 249 0, // 250 0, // 251 0, // 252 0, // 253 0, // 254 0, // 255 }; #endif
MAX7219 RTC dht11 led matrix clock with Arduino Mega not compile lots of error
ReplyDeletehelp me how to remove error.
C:\Users\shailesh\Desktop\max7219\MAX7219-_DHT11-_DS1307_Arduino_Mega\MAX7219-_DHT11-_DS1307_Arduino_Mega\MAX7219-_DHT11-_DS1307_Arduino_Mega - Copy.ino: In function 'void buttonDisPressed()':
C:\Users\shailesh\Desktop\max7219\MAX7219-_DHT11-_DS1307_Arduino_Mega\MAX7219-_DHT11-_DS1307_Arduino_Mega\MAX7219-_DHT11-_DS1307_Arduino_Mega - Copy.ino:757:6: error: redefinition of 'void buttonDisPressed()'
void buttonDisPressed()
C:\Users\shailesh\Desktop\max7219\MAX7219-_DHT11-_DS1307_Arduino_Mega\MAX7219-_DHT11-_DS1307_Arduino_Mega\MAX7219-_DHT11-_DS1307_Arduino_Mega.ino:757:6: note: 'void buttonDisPressed()' previously defined here
void buttonDisPressed()
Using library MD_Parola-master at version 3.1.0 in folder: C:\Users\shailesh\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MD_Parola-master
Using library MD_MAX72XX-master at version 3.0.2 in folder: C:\Users\shailesh\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MD_MAX72XX-master
Using library SPI at version 1.0 in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI
Using library MD_DS1307 at version 1.1 in folder: C:\Users\shailesh\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MD_DS1307
Using library Wire at version 1.0 in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\Wire
Using library DHTlib in folder: C:\Users\shailesh\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DHTlib (legacy)
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560.
i am sorry there two .ino file in one folder so error come one .ino delete now no error come and compile .
Deletedht11 DHT11;
void getTemperature()
h = DHT11.humidity;
t = DHT11.temperature;
// Read temperature as Fahrenheit
f = (1.8 * DHT11.temperature)+32;
Nice project Thanks for Sharing.
ReplyDeleteCan you send the full code for this project that will be very helpful to me please
ReplyDeleteI suppose there is a possibility that I am missing something but I see a nice picture (Schema) of this project and it shows buttons and Brilliance control? So where within the code/sketch is the ability to deal with these. Having spent the time and cash for the hardware, wouldn't it be good if it all worked? By the way that includes how to set the time up initially. Great Projects???
ReplyDeleteIts no good pressing the buttons, it doesn't do anything! Still no reply. Great Projects my A***.
ReplyDeleteHello, I want to change it to the DS18B20 sensor