RGB Matrix p4 64*32 DHT11 DS1307 Arduino ESP32
Arduino tutorial :
RGB Matrix p4 64*32
RTC DS1307
SD Card
T his project with esp8266
// REQUIRES the following Arduino libraries: // - Lien vidéo: https://youtu.be/gwQPx3qzFcc // - RGB matrix Panel Library: https://github.com/adafruit/RGB-matrix-Panel // - Adafruit_GFX Library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library // - Adafruit_BusIO Library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_BusIO // - DHT Sensor Library: https://github.com/beegee-tokyo/DHTesp // - ESPxxTime Library: https://github.com/3tawi/DS1307ESPTime // - RGB LED Matrix with an ESP32 - How to get started: https://youtu.be/0gGnr2HYCnQ // - Getting Started ESP32 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b0Txt-yF7E // Find All "Great Projects" Videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/GreatProjects #include <SD.h> #include "SPIFFS.h" #include <EEPROM.h> #include <WiFi.h> #include <WebServer.h> #include <DS1307ESPTime.h> #include <RGBmatrixPanel.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> #include <atawi21x12b.h> #include <atawi8c.h> #include "DHTesp.h" #include "page.h" #define dhtPin 2 #define EEPROM_SIZE 7 #define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT 11 #define A 15 #define B 16 #define C 17 #define D 4 #define CLK 0 #define LAT 32 #define OE 33 #define matrix_width 64 #define matrix_height 32 RGBmatrixPanel matrix(A, B, C, D, CLK, LAT, OE, false, 64); DS1307ESPTime rtc; WebServer server(80); GFXcanvas1 canvasF(64, 32); DHTesp dht; char ssid[30] = ""; char pass[30] = ""; const char* Apssid = "P4Matrix"; const char* Appassword = "3tawi-GP"; IPAddress ip(192,168,1,142); IPAddress dns(192,168,1,1); IPAddress gateway(192,168,1,1); IPAddress gatewayap(192,168,4,1); IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0); File myfile; String Message = "Great Projects wish you a very nice day. Hope you have a great time ahead."; String datee, datetxt, ddate; float temp, humi; int Tz = 1; // Time Zone int NewRTCh = 24; int NewRTCm = 60; int NewRTCs = 60; bool flasher = false; bool wifiok = false; bool Modeclock = true; long savednum = 0 ,passnum = 0; int xps=32, msg = 1; uint32_t lastTime, prevTime, prevTim; String text, textmsg, textip; int sp0, sp1, sp2, sp3, sp4; long hueShift; long value; int dx1, dx2, dx3, dx4, dy1, dy2, dy3, dy4, sx1, sx2, sx3, sx4; int r, g, b; uint8_t lo; float rs1, rs2, rs3, rs4, cx1, cx2, cx3, cx4, cy1, cy2, cy3, cy4; float ag1, ag2, ag3, ag4; static const int8_t PROGMEM sinetab[256] = { 0, 2, 5, 8, 11, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 56, 59, 62, 65, 67, 70, 72, 75, 77, 80, 82, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 96, 98, 100, 101, 103, 105, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 123, 124, 125, 125, 126, 126, 126, 126, 126, 127, 126, 126, 126, 126, 126, 125, 125, 124, 123, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119, 118, 117, 116, 114, 113, 111, 110, 108, 107, 105, 103, 101, 100, 98, 96, 93, 91, 89, 87, 85, 82, 80, 77, 75, 72, 70, 67, 65, 62, 59, 56, 54, 51, 48, 45, 42, 39, 36, 33, 30, 27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 11, 8, 5, 2, 0, -3, -6, -9, -12, -16, -19, -22, -25, -28, -31, -34, -37, -40, -43, -46, -49, -52, -55, -57, -60, -63, -66, -68, -71, -73, -76, -78, -81, -83, -86, -88, -90, -92, -94, -97, -99,-101,-102,-104, -106,-108,-109,-111,-112,-114,-115,-117, -118,-119,-120,-121,-122,-123,-124,-124, -125,-126,-126,-127,-127,-127,-127,-127, -128,-127,-127,-127,-127,-127,-126,-126, -125,-124,-124,-123,-122,-121,-120,-119, -118,-117,-115,-114,-112,-111,-109,-108, -106,-104,-102,-101, -99, -97, -94, -92, -90, -88, -86, -83, -81, -78, -76, -73, -71, -68, -66, -63, -60, -57, -55, -52, -49, -46, -43, -40, -37, -34, -31, -28, -25, -22, -19, -16, -12, -9, -6, -3 }; struct Text { char *texte; uint16_t width, height; int16_t x, y; int16_t dx, dy; } texte = {"22:22", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}; int16_t x=0, dx=1; void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0;//declare reset function at address 0 void getWifi() { WiFi.config(ip, dns, gateway, subnet); WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); int xc = 0; while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && xc < 10) { delay(500); xc++; } if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { textip = "CONNECTED To: "; textip += ssid; textip += " IP Address: http://"; textip += WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str(); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); wifiok = true; } else { // WiFi.config(ip, dns, gatewayap, subnet); WiFi.softAP(Apssid, Appassword); textip = "CONNECTED To: "; textip += Apssid; textip += " Password: "; textip += Appassword; textip += " IP Address: http://"; textip += WiFi.softAPIP().toString().c_str(); wifiok = false; } msg = 4, getmesg(); } void Colorplat(int cpla) { switch (cpla) { case 0: rs1 = 4.1, rs2 = 6.3, rs3 = 10.2, rs4 = 11.1; cx1 = 4.1, cy1 = 2.2; cx2 = 5.8, cy2 = 1.7; cx3 = 5.8, cy3 = 3.5; cx4 = 1.1, cy4 = -1.5; sp1 = 3, sp2 = 2; break; case 1: rs1 = 4.1, rs2 = 6.3, rs3 = 10.2, rs4 = 11.1; cx1 = 4.1, cy1 = 2.2; cx2 = 5.8, cy2 = 1.7; cx3 = 5.8, cy3 = 3.5; cx4 = 1.1, cy4 = -1.5; sp1 = 4, sp2 = 5; break; case 2: rs1 = 4.1, rs2 = 6.3, rs3 = 10.2, rs4 = 11.1; cx1 = 4.1, cy1 = 2.2; cx2 = 5.8, cy2 = 1.7; cx3 = 5.8, cy3 = 3.5; cx4 = 1.1, cy4 = -1.5; sp1 = 2, sp2 = 3; break; case 3: rs1 = 8.1, rs2 = 8.5, rs3 = 15.4, rs4 = 17.1; cx1 = 8.1, cy1 = 4.3; cx2 = 5.8, cy2 = 3.3; cx3 = 11.7, cy3 = 7.0; cx4 = 2.1, cy4 = -1.5; sp1 = 2, sp2 = 3; break; case 4: rs1 = 12.1, rs2 = 12.5, rs3 = 20.4, rs4 = 22.1; cx1 = 12.1, cy1 = 6.3; cx2 = 8.8, cy2 = 4.8; cx3 = 16.9, cy3 = 10.5; cx4 = 3.1, cy4 = -2.1; sp1 = 3, sp2 = 4; break; case 5: rs1 = 16.3, rs2 = 23.0, rs3 = 40.8, rs4 = 44.2; cx1 = 16.1, cy1 = 8.7; cx2 = 11.6, cy2 = 6.5; cx3 = 23.4, cy3 = 14.0; cx4 = 4.1, cy4 = -2.9; sp1 = 3, sp2 = 4; break; case 6: rs1 = 24.6, rs2 = 34.5, rs3 = 15.4, rs4 = 66.4; cx1 = 34.2, cy1 = 23.4; cx2 = 35.2, cy2 = 19.9; cx3 = 33.8, cy3 = 42.0; cx4 = 12.2, cy4 = -5.6; sp1 = 4, sp2 = 5; break; case 7: rs1 = 32.6, rs2 = 46.0, rs3 = 20.4, rs4 = 88.4; cx1 = 32.2, cy1 = 17.4; cx2 = 23.2, cy2 = 13.0; cx3 = 23.4, cy3 = 28.0; cx4 = 8.2, cy4 = -5.6; sp1 = 2, sp2 = 3; break; case 8: rs1 = 65.2, rs2 = 92.0, rs3 = 40.8, rs4 = 176.8; cx1 = 64.4, cy1 = 34.8; cx2 = 46.4, cy2 = 26.0; cx3 = 46.8, cy3 = 56.0; cx4 = 16.4, cy4 = -11.2; sp1 = 2, sp2 = 3; break; case 9: rs1 = 97.8, rs2 = 138.0, rs3 = 61.2, rs4 = 265.2; cx1 = 96.6, cy1 = 52.2; cx2 = 69.6, cy2 = 39.0; cx3 = 70.2, cy3 = 84.0; cx4 = 24.6, cy4 = -16.8; sp1 = 2, sp2 = 3; break; case 10: rs1 = 130.4, rs2 = 184.0, rs3 = 81.6, rs4 = 353.6; cx1 = 128.8, cy1 = 69.6; cx2 = 92.8, cy2 = 52.0; cx3 = 93.6, cy3 = 112.0; cx4 = 32.8, cy4 = -22.4; sp1 = 3, sp2 = 4; break; default: rs1 = 130.4, rs2 = 184.0, rs3 = 81.6, rs4 = 353.6; cx1 = 128.8, cy1 = 69.6; cx2 = 92.8, cy2 = 52.0; cx3 = 93.6, cy3 = 112.0; cx4 = 32.8, cy4 = -22.4; sp1 = 5, sp2 = 6; break; } } void getmesg() { xps = 64; getdata(); switch(msg) { case 0 : gettemphumi(); textmsg = Message; msg++; break; case 1 : textmsg = "Temperature: "; textmsg += temp; textmsg += "°C"; msg++; break; case 2 : textmsg = "Humidity: "; textmsg += humi; textmsg += "%"; msg++; break; case 3 : textmsg = rtc.getTime("%A, %d %B %Y"); msg = 0; break; case 4 : textmsg = textip; msg = 0; break; } } void gettemphumi() { TempAndHumidity newValues = dht.getTempAndHumidity(); temp = newValues.temperature; humi = newValues.humidity; if (NewRTCm != rtc.getMinute()) { if (!isnan(temp) && !isnan(humi)) { wirttemphu(); } NewRTCm = rtc.getMinute(); } } void getdata() { ag1 += 0.03; ag2 -= 0.05; ag3 += 0.07; ag4 -= 0.05; } void getblat() { sx1 = (int)(cos(ag1) * rs1 + cx1); sx2 = (int)(cos(ag2) * rs2 + cx2); sx3 = (int)(cos(ag3) * rs3 + cx3); sx4 = (int)(cos(ag4) * rs4 + cx4); dy1 = (int)(sin(ag1) * rs1 + cy1); dy2 = (int)(sin(ag2) * rs2 + cy2); dy3 = (int)(sin(ag3) * rs3 + cy3); dy4 = (int)(sin(ag4) * rs4 + cy4); hueShift += xps * 0.05; for(int y=0; y<32; y++) { dx1 = sx1; dx2 = sx2; dx3 = sx3; dx4 = sx4; for(int x=0; x<64; x++) { int c0 = canvasF.getPixel(x, y); if (c0 != 0) { value = hueShift + (int8_t)pgm_read_byte(sinetab + (uint8_t)((dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1) >> sp1)) + (int8_t)pgm_read_byte(sinetab + (uint8_t)((dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2) >> sp1)) + (int8_t)pgm_read_byte(sinetab + (uint8_t)((dx3 * dx3 + dy3 * dy3) >> sp2)) + (int8_t)pgm_read_byte(sinetab + (uint8_t)((dx4 * dx4 + dy4 * dy4) >> sp2)); matrix.drawPixel(x, y, matrix.ColorHSV(value * 3, 255, sp3, true)); } else { matrix.drawPixel(x, y, matrix.Color333(0, 0, 0)); } dx1--; dx2--; dx3--; dx4--; } dy1--; dy2--; dy3--; dy4--; } } void scroll_text(String txt) { uint16_t text_length = txt.length() * 7; canvasF.fillRect(0, 22, 64, 10, 0x0000); canvasF.setFont(&atawi8c); canvasF.setCursor(xps, 22); canvasF.print(txt); canvasF.setFont(); xps--; if (xps < -text_length) {getmesg();} } void getTimA() { if (flasher) { canvasF.fillRect(0, 0, 64, 22, 0x0000); canvasF.setFont(&atawi21x12b); canvasF.setCursor(5, 0); canvasF.print(rtc.getTime("%H:%M")); canvasF.setFont(); } else { canvasF.fillRect(31, 0, 2, 21, 0x0000); } } void getTim() { if (!flasher) { text = rtc.getTime("%H:%M"); } else { text = rtc.getTime("%H %M"); } if(x+dx>=63 || x+dx<0) dx=-dx; x+=dx; if(texte.x+texte.dx+texte.width>=63 || texte.x+texte.dx<0) texte.dx=-texte.dx; if(texte.y+texte.dy+texte.height>=31 || texte.y+texte.dy<0) texte.dy=-texte.dy; texte.x+=texte.dx; texte.y+=texte.dy; canvasF.fillScreen(0); canvasF.setFont(&atawi21x12b); canvasF.setCursor(texte.x, texte.y); canvasF.print(text); canvasF.setFont(); } void handleRestesp() { handleRoot(); delay(1000); resetFunc(); } void handleRoot() { server.send(200, "text/html", MAIN_page); //Send web page } void handlesendate() { handleRoot(); datetxt = server.arg("bday"); if (datetxt == "") { datetxt = rtc.getTime("%F"); } datee = "/Temhumi/"; datee += datetxt; datee += ".txt"; } void handletxt() { if (datetxt == "") { handlesendate(); } File file = SD.open(datee); if (file) { size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, "text/plain"); } else { server.send(200, "text/plain", "file not fond"); } file.close(); } void handlesaveTime() { handleRoot(); writeTime(); } void handlentpTime() { handleRoot(); if (wifiok) { configTime(Tz * 3600, 3600, "", ""); } } void handlezoneTime() { handleRoot(); Tz = server.arg("locatz").toInt(); configTime(Tz * 3600, 0, "", ""); EEPROM.write(1, Tz); EEPROM.commit(); } void handlelocaltime() { handleRoot(); rtc.setTime(server.arg("locadt").toInt()); configTime(Tz * 3600, 0, "", ""); } void handleMyTime() { handleRoot(); String hbuf = server.arg("htmie"); String dbuf = server.arg("ddate"); text = hbuf[0]; text += hbuf[1]; int h = text.toInt(); text = hbuf[3]; text += hbuf[4]; int m = text.toInt(); text = hbuf[6]; text += hbuf[7]; int s = text.toInt(); text = dbuf[0]; text += dbuf[1]; text += dbuf[2]; text += dbuf[3]; int yr = text.toInt(); text = dbuf[5]; text += dbuf[6]; int mo = text.toInt(); text = dbuf[8]; text += dbuf[9]; int dd = text.toInt(); rtc.setTime(s, m, h, dd, mo, yr); } void handleSpe0() { handleRoot(); sp0 = server.arg("Speed0").toInt(); EEPROM.write(2, sp0); EEPROM.commit(); } void handleSpe1() { handleRoot(); sp1 = server.arg("Speed1").toInt(); } void handleSpe2() { handleRoot(); sp2 = server.arg("Speed2").toInt(); } void handleBright() { handleRoot(); sp3 = server.arg("Bright").toInt(); EEPROM.write(3, sp3); EEPROM.commit(); if (sp3 < 70) { sp3 = 70; } } void handleColor() { handleRoot(); sp4 = server.arg("Color0").toInt(); EEPROM.write(4, sp4); EEPROM.commit(); Colorplat(sp4); } void handleMode() { handleRoot(); Modeclock = !Modeclock; canvasF.fillScreen(0); EEPROM.write(5, Modeclock); EEPROM.commit(); } void handleMesg() { handleRoot(); Message = server.arg("Message"); myfile = SPIFFS.open("/Message.txt", FILE_WRITE); if(myfile){ myfile.print(Message); } myfile.close(); msg = 0, getmesg(); } void handleWifi() { handleRoot(); text = server.arg("usname"); myfile = SPIFFS.open("/Ssid.txt", FILE_WRITE); if(myfile){ myfile.print(text); } myfile.close(); int len = text.length() + 1; text.toCharArray(ssid, len); text = server.arg("pssw"); myfile = SPIFFS.open("/Password.txt", FILE_WRITE); if(myfile){ myfile.print(text); } myfile.close(); len = text.length() + 1; text.toCharArray(pass, len); getWifi(); } void getssid() { myfile = SPIFFS.open("/Ssid.txt"); if(!myfile){ return; } int nb = 0; while (myfile.available()) { savednum = myfile.read(); ssid[nb] = (char) savednum; nb += 1; } myfile.close(); } void getpass() { myfile = SPIFFS.open("/Password.txt"); if(!myfile){ return; } int nb = 0; while (myfile.available()) { savednum = myfile.read(); pass[nb] = (char) savednum; nb += 1; } myfile.close(); } void getstting() { Tz = EEPROM.read(1); sp0 = EEPROM.read(2); sp3 = EEPROM.read(3); sp4 = EEPROM.read(4); Modeclock = EEPROM.read(5); if (sp3 < 70) { sp3 = 70; } if (Tz > 12) { Tz = Tz - 256; } myfile = SPIFFS.open("/Message.txt"); if(!myfile){ return; } Message = ""; while (myfile.available()) { savednum = myfile.read(); Message += (char)savednum; } myfile.close(); } void prepacard() { File root = SD.open("/Temhumi"); if(!root.isDirectory()){ SD.mkdir("/Temhumi"); } } void setup() { rtc.begin(); updateTime(); SPIFFS.begin(true); SD.begin(5); EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); getssid(); getpass(); getWifi(); matrix.begin(); matrix.setTextWrap(false); matrix.setFont(&atawi21x12b); canvasF.setTextWrap(false); server.on("/", handleRoot); server.on("/MesBright", handleBright); server.on("/MesColor", handleColor); server.on("/MesMode", handleMode); server.on("/readtemhu", handlestate); server.on("/MesSpeed0", handleSpe0); server.on("/MesSpeed1", handleSpe1); server.on("/MesSpeed2", handleSpe2); server.on("/myMesg", handleMesg); server.on("/Mywifi", handleWifi); server.on("/ntptime", handlentpTime); server.on("/mytimezon", handlezoneTime); server.on("/localdatime", handlelocaltime); server.on("/restime", handleMyTime); server.on("/savetime", handlesaveTime); server.on("/readMesge", handleMesge); server.on("/sendate", handlesendate); server.on("/readtext", handletxt); server.on("/restesp", handleRestesp); server.begin(); prepacard(); getstting(); Colorplat(sp4); int16_t x1 = 0, y1 = 0; matrix.getTextBounds(texte.texte, 0, 0, &x1, &y1, &texte.width, &texte.height); texte.width-=2; texte.height-=2; x=0, dx=1; delay(2000); dht.setup(dhtPin, DHTesp::DHT11); } void loop() { server.handleClient(); if(!Modeclock) { getblat(); } if(millis() - prevTim >= sp0 && !Modeclock) { scroll_text(textmsg); prevTim = millis(); } if(millis() - lastTime >= 1000 && !Modeclock) { getTimA(); flasher = !flasher; lastTime = millis(); } else if(millis() - lastTime >= 1000 && Modeclock) { getTim(); getblat(); getdata(); flasher = !flasher; lastTime = millis(); } } void handleMesge() { String content = "<?xml version = \"1.0\" ?>"; content += "<inputs><analog>"; content += datetxt; content += "</analog></inputs>"; server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); server.send(200, "text/xml", content); //Send web page } void handlestate() { gettemphumi(); String content = "<?xml version = \"1.0\" ?>"; content += "<inputs><analog>"; content += temp; content += "</analog><analog>"; content += humi; content += "</analog><analog>"; content += Tz; content += "</analog><analog>"; content += Modeclock; content += "</analog></inputs>"; server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); server.send(200, "text/xml", content); //Send web page } void updateTime() { configTime(0, 0, "", ""); rtc.DSgetTime(); int dd = rtc.dayOfMonth, mo = rtc.month + 1, yr = rtc.year + 2000; rtc.setTime(rtc.second, rtc.minute, rtc.hour, dd, mo, yr); configTime(Tz * 3600, 0, "", ""); } void writeTime() { configTime(0, 0, "", ""); int h = rtc.getHour(true), m = rtc.getMinute(), s = rtc.getSecond(), yr = rtc.getYear(), mo = rtc.getMonth(), dd = rtc.getDay(), dw = rtc.getDayofWeek(); rtc.datime(h, m, s, yr, mo, dd, dw); rtc.DSsetTime(); configTime(Tz * 3600, 0, "", ""); } void wirttemphu() { ddate = "/Temhumi/"; ddate += rtc.getTime("%F"); ddate += ".txt"; text = rtc.getTime("%T"); text += " Temperature: "; text += temp; text += " *C Humidity: "; text += humi; text += " %RH"; File file = SD.open(ddate, FILE_APPEND); if(file){ file.println(text); } file.close(); }
const char MAIN_page[] PROGMEM = R"=====( <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Great Projects</title> <script> var MesgeDate; var Message = 0; var data_val1 = 0; var data_val2 = 0; var tz_val; function DisplayCurrentTime() { var dt = new Date(); var weekday = new Array(7); weekday[0] = "Sunday"; weekday[1] = "Monday"; weekday[2] = "Tuesday"; weekday[3] = "Wednesday"; weekday[4] = "Thursday"; weekday[5] = "Friday"; weekday[6] = "Saturday"; var dow = weekday[dt.getDay()]; document.getElementById("datetime").innerHTML = (dow) +" "+ (dt.toLocaleString()); setTimeout('DisplayCurrentTime()', 1000); } function myFunction() { var d = new Date(); var n = d.getTime()/1000; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var strLine = "localdatime?locadt=" + n; request.open("GET", strLine, false); request.send(null); } function myFunctionT() { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var nt = document.getElementById("mytmie"); var nd = document.getElementById("myddate"); var strLine = "restime?htmie=" + nt.value; strLine += "&ddate=" + nd.value; request.open("GET", strLine, false); request.send(null); } function myFunctionTz() { var nz = document.getElementById("mylocatz"); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var strLine = "mytimezon?locatz=" + nz.value; request.open("GET", strLine, false); request.send(null); } function myFunctionN() { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", "ntptime", false); request.send(null); } function myFunctionS() { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", "savetime", false); request.send(null); } function GetArduinoInputs() { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { data_val1 = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('analog')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; data_val2 = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('analog')[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue; tz_val = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('analog')[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue; Message = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('analog')[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue; } if(tz_val < 0) { document.getElementById("TZmesg").innerHTML = "GMT" + tz_val; } else { document.getElementById("TZmesg").innerHTML = "GMT+" + tz_val; } if(Message == 0) { var codeBlock1 = '<button type="submit" class="button">Mode Clock</button>'; document.getElementById("modemesg").innerHTML = codeBlock1; } else { var codeBlock1 = '<button type="submit" class="button">Mode Message</button>'; document.getElementById("modemesg").innerHTML = codeBlock1; } var codeBlock2 = '<h1>' + data_val1 + ' °C</h1>'; var codeBlock3 = '<h1>' + data_val2 + ' %RH</h1>'; document.getElementById("Temp").innerHTML = codeBlock2; document.getElementById("Humi").innerHTML = codeBlock3; var elem = document.getElementById("Humi"); elem.style.color = "#0000ff"; elem.style.fontSize = "30px"; var elem = document.getElementById("Temp"); elem.style.color = "#ff0000"; elem.style.fontSize = "30px"; } xhttp.open("GET", "readtemhu", true); xhttp.send(); setTimeout('GetArduinoInputs()', 5000); } function GetMesgeDate() { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { MesgeDate = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("analog")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; } var codeBlock4 = '<embed type="text/html" src="readtext" class="embed-g" width="98%" height="380px">'; document.getElementById("dat").innerHTML = 'Date : ' + MesgeDate; document.getElementById("ID").innerHTML = codeBlock4; } xhttp.open("GET", "readMesge", true); xhttp.send(); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { DisplayCurrentTime(),GetArduinoInputs(),GetMesgeDate(); }, false); </script> <style> body { text-align: center; background-color: #ffaaaa; } /* Full-width input fields */ input[type=text], input[type=password] { width: 100%; padding: 12px 20px; margin: 8px 0; display: inline-block; border: 1px solid #ccc; box-sizing: border-box; } .container { padding: 16px; } span.psw { float: right; padding-top: 16px; } /* The Modal (background) */ .modal { display: none; /* Hidden by default */ position: fixed; 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