Weather-Station Clock Matrix P4 ESP8266 ESP01 DHT11

Weather Station Clock Scrolling Message Matrix P4



  1. Many thanks to the author for an interesting project. I have repeated this project. Works great.
    But I was unable to replace DHT11 with DHT22. Maybe the author will help by recommending or correcting the program code.

  2. \ESP8266HTTPClient\src/ESP8266HTTPClient.h:141:10: note: candidate expects 5 arguments, 2 provided

    exit status 1
    other wise it works well I love the time zone idea.
    how does it know when DST should be 1 or 0
    I can get it tO give ME time in Sydney Australia accurately using the UDP like STRUCTURE
    no matching function for call to 'HTTPClient::begin(WiFiClient&, String&)'
    Can You supply what arguments the candidate is looking for??
    the second is that it does not recognise your library, is there an alternative
    I am using nodemcu and wemos d1 mini

  3. Good morning,
    It's been over a year now since I carried out this project which works very well.
    I would just like to improve it so that the time automatically changes from summer to winter and from winter to summer.
    Or simpler by using a simple switch!
    Unfortunately, I am not a computer expert.
    I would be very happy to have some help.
    In the meantime thank you very much
