MAX7219 LED Matrix Display & RTC DS1307 - dht11 - Arduino
CS →10
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// Program to demonstrate the MD_Parola library // // Display the time in one zone and other information scrolling through in // another zone. // - Time is shown in a user defined fixed width font // - Scrolling text uses the default font // - Temperature display uses user defined characters // - Optional use of DS1307 module for time and DHT11 sensor for temp and humidity // - DS1307 library (MD_DS1307) found at // - DHT11 library (DHT11_lib) found at // // NOTE: MD_MAX72xx library must be installed and configured for the LED // matrix type being used. Refer documentation included in the MD_MAX72xx // library or see this link: // // #define USE_DS1307 // Header file includes #include <MD_Parola.h> #include <MD_MAX72xx.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <MD_DS1307.h> #include <SimpleDHT.h> #include "Font_Data.h" // DHT config. int pinDHT11 = 2; SimpleDHT11 dht11(pinDHT11); // Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface // NOTE: These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware and may // need to be adapted #define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::FC16_HW #define MAX_DEVICES 4 #define CLK_PIN 13 #define DATA_PIN 11 #define CS_PIN 10 // HARDWARE SPI //MD_Parola P = MD_Parola(HARDWARE_TYPE, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // SOFTWARE SPI MD_Parola P = MD_Parola(HARDWARE_TYPE, DATA_PIN, CLK_PIN, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); volatile boolean buttonA = false; volatile boolean buttonB = false; volatile boolean buttonC = false; int StateOfbuttonA = 0; int StateOfbuttonB = 0; int StateOfbuttonC = 0; int NewStateOfbuttonA = 0; int NewStateOfbuttonB = 0; int NewStateOfbuttonC = 0; int Mode = 0; int contrast = 0; int SPEED_TIME = 75; #define PAUSE_TIME 0 #define MAX_MESG 20 // Global variables char szTime[9]; // hh:mm char szsecond[4]; // ss char szMesg[MAX_MESG+1] = ""; uint8_t degC[] = { 6, 3, 3, 56, 68, 68, 68 }; // Deg C char *mon2str(uint8_t mon, char *psz, uint8_t len) // Get a label from PROGMEM into a char array { static const __FlashStringHelper* str[] = { F("Jan"), F("Feb"), F("Mar"), F("Apr"), F("May"), F("Jun"), F("Jul"), F("Aug"), F("Sep"), F("Oct"), F("Nov"), F("Dec") }; strncpy_P(psz, (const char PROGMEM *)str[mon-1], len); psz[len] = '\0'; return(psz); } char *dow2str(uint8_t code, char *psz, uint8_t len) { static const __FlashStringHelper* str[] = { F("Sunday"), F("Monday"), F("Tuesday"),F("Wednesday"), F("Thursday"), F("Friday"), F("Saturday") }; strncpy_P(psz, (const char PROGMEM *)str[code-1], len); psz[len] = '\0'; return(psz); } void getTime(char *psz, bool f = true) // Code for reading clock time { RTC.readTime(); sprintf(psz, "%02d%c%02d", RTC.h, (f ? ':' : ' '), RTC.m); } void getTim(char *psz, bool f = true) // Code for reading clock time { RTC.readTime(); sprintf(psz, "%02d%c%02d", RTC.h, ':', RTC.m); } void getDate(char *psz) // Code for reading clock date { char szBuf[10]; RTC.readTime(); sprintf(psz, "%d %s %04d", RTC.dd, mon2str(, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)-1), RTC.yyyy); } void getTem(char *psz, bool f = true) // Code for reading clock date { byte temperature = 0; byte humidity = 0; int err = SimpleDHTErrSuccess; if ((err =, &humidity, NULL)) != SimpleDHTErrSuccess) { delay(100); return; } sprintf(psz, "%02d", (int)temperature); } void getHumi(char *psz, bool f = true) // Code for reading clock date { byte temperature = 0; byte humidity = 0; int err = SimpleDHTErrSuccess; if ((err =, &humidity, NULL)) != SimpleDHTErrSuccess) { delay(100); return; } sprintf(psz, "%02d", (int)humidity); } void getsecond(char *psz) // Code for reading clock date { char szBuf[10]; RTC.readTime(); sprintf(psz, "%02d", RTC.s); } void gethh(char *psz, bool f = true) // Code for reading clock time { RTC.readTime(); sprintf(psz, "%c%02d%c%02d", (f ? ':' : ' '), RTC.h, (f ? ':' : ' '), RTC.m); } void getmin(char *psz, bool f = true) // Code for reading clock time { RTC.readTime(); sprintf(psz, "%02d%c%02d%c", RTC.h, (f ? ':' : ' '), RTC.m, (f ? ':' : ' ')); } void getsec(char *psz) // Code for reading clock date { char szBuf[10]; RTC.readTime(); sprintf(psz, "%02d", RTC.s); } void getdyy(char *psz) { char szBuf[10]; RTC.readTime(); sprintf(psz, "%02d", RTC.dd); } void getmon(char *psz) // Code for reading clock date { char szBuf[10]; RTC.readTime(); sprintf(psz, "%s", mon2str(, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)-1)); } void getyyyy(char *psz) // Code for reading clock date { char szBuf[10]; RTC.readTime(); sprintf(psz, "%04d", RTC.yyyy); } void setup(void) { pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); P.begin(3); P.setInvert(false); P.setZone(2, 0, 3); P.setZone(1, 1, 3); P.setZone(0, 4, 1); P.setFont(1, numeric7Se); P.setFont(0, numeric7Seg); P.displayZoneText(1, szTime, PA_LEFT, SPEED_TIME, PAUSE_TIME, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); P.displayZoneText(0, szsecond, PA_LEFT, SPEED_TIME, 0, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); P.displayZoneText(2, szMesg, PA_CENTER, SPEED_TIME, 0, PA_PRINT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); P.addChar('$', degC); RTC.control(DS1307_CLOCK_HALT, DS1307_OFF); RTC.control(DS1307_12H, DS1307_OFF); getTime(szTime); } void loop(void) { P.setIntensity(contrast); NewStateOfbuttonA = digitalRead(3); NewStateOfbuttonB = digitalRead(4); NewStateOfbuttonC = digitalRead(5); buttonAisPressed(); buttonBisPressed(); buttonCisPressed(); if (buttonA) { if (Mode == 0 ) { buttonA = false; contrast++; if (contrast >= 51 ) { contrast = 50; } } else if (Mode == 1 ) { buttonA = false; Mode = 0; } else if (Mode == 2 ) { buttonA = false; RTC.h++; if (RTC.h >= 24 ) { RTC.h = 0; } RTC.writeTime(); } else if (Mode == 3 ) { buttonA = false; RTC.m++; if (RTC.m >= 60 ) { RTC.m = 0; } RTC.writeTime(); } else if (Mode == 4 ) { buttonA = false; RTC.s = 0; RTC.writeTime(); } else if (Mode == 5 ) { buttonA = false; RTC.dow++; if (RTC.dow >= 8 ) { RTC.dow = 1; } RTC.writeTime(); P.displayReset(2); } else if (Mode == 6 ) { buttonA = false; RTC.dd++; if (RTC.dd >= 32 ) { RTC.dd = 1; } RTC.writeTime(); } else if (Mode == 7 ) { buttonA = false;; if ( >= 13 ) { = 1; } RTC.writeTime(); } else if (Mode == 8 ) { buttonA = false; RTC.yyyy++; if (RTC.yyyy >= 2035 ) { RTC.yyyy = 2015; } RTC.writeTime(); } } else if (buttonB) { buttonB = false; Mode++; P.displayReset(2); if (Mode >= 9 ) { Mode = 0; } } if (buttonC) { if (Mode == 0 ) { buttonC = false; contrast--; if (contrast <= 0 ) { contrast = 0; } } else if (Mode == 1 ) { buttonC = false; Mode = 0; } else if (Mode == 2 ) { buttonC = false; RTC.h--; if (RTC.h <= 0 ) { RTC.h = 23; } RTC.writeTime(); } else if (Mode == 3 ) { buttonC = false; RTC.m--; if (RTC.m <= 0 ) { RTC.m = 59; } RTC.writeTime(); } else if (Mode == 4 ) { buttonC = false; RTC.s = 0; RTC.writeTime(); } else if (Mode == 5 ) { buttonC = false; RTC.dow--; if (RTC.dow <= 0 ) { RTC.dow = 7; } RTC.writeTime(); P.displayReset(2); } else if (Mode == 6 ) { buttonC = false; RTC.dd--; if (RTC.dd <= 0 ) { RTC.dd = 31; } RTC.writeTime(); } else if (Mode == 7 ) { buttonC = false;; if ( <= 0 ) { = 12; } RTC.writeTime(); } else if (Mode == 8 ) { buttonC = false; RTC.yyyy--; if (RTC.yyyy <= 2010 ) { RTC.yyyy = 2025; } RTC.writeTime(); } } if (Mode == 0) { static uint32_t lastTime = 0; // millis() memory static bool flasher = false; // seconds passing flasher P.displayAnimate(); P.setTextEffect(2, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); P.getZoneStatus(1); P.getZoneStatus(0); if (millis() - lastTime >= 1000) { lastTime = millis(); getsecond(szsecond); getTime(szTime, flasher); flasher = !flasher; P.displayReset(1); P.displayReset(0); } } if (Mode == 1) { static uint8_t display = 0; // current display mode P.displayAnimate(); P.getZoneStatus(2); if (P.getZoneStatus(2)) { switch (display) { case 0: // Time P.setTextEffect(2, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); display++; getTim(szMesg); break; case 1: // Day P.setTextEffect(2, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); display++; dow2str(RTC.dow, szMesg, MAX_MESG); break; case 2: // Calendar P.setTextEffect(2, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); display++; getDate(szMesg); break; case 3: // Humidity P.setTextEffect(2, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); display++; getHumi(szMesg); strcat(szMesg, "% RH"); break; default: // Temperature deg C P.setTextEffect(2, PA_SCROLL_LEFT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); display = 0; getTem(szMesg); strcat(szMesg, "$"); break; } P.displayReset(2); } } if (Mode == 2) { static uint32_t lastTime = 0; // millis() memory static bool flasher = false; // seconds passing flasher P.displayAnimate(); P.setTextEffect(2, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); P.getZoneStatus(1); P.getZoneStatus(0); if (millis() - lastTime >= 200) { lastTime = millis(); getsecond(szsecond); gethh(szTime, flasher); flasher = !flasher; P.displayReset(1); P.displayReset(0); } } if (Mode == 3) { static uint32_t lastTime = 0; // millis() memory static bool flasher = false; // seconds passing flasher P.displayAnimate(); P.setTextEffect(2, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); P.getZoneStatus(1); P.getZoneStatus(0); if (millis() - lastTime >= 200) { lastTime = millis(); getsecond(szsecond); getmin(szTime, flasher); flasher = !flasher; P.displayReset(1); P.displayReset(0); } } if (Mode == 4) { static uint32_t lastTime = 0; // millis() memory static bool flasher = false; // seconds passing flasher P.displayAnimate(); P.setTextEffect(2, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); P.getZoneStatus(1); P.getZoneStatus(0); if (millis() - lastTime >= 200) { lastTime = millis(); getTim(szTime); getsecond(szsecond); P.displayReset(1); P.displayReset(0); } } if (Mode == 5) { static uint8_t display = 0; // current display mode P.displayAnimate(); P.getZoneStatus(2); P.setTextEffect(2, PA_PRINT, PA_SCROLL_LEFT); dow2str(RTC.dow, szMesg, MAX_MESG); P.displayReset(2); } if (Mode == 6) { P.displayAnimate(); P.getZoneStatus(2); P.setTextEffect(2, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); getdyy(szMesg); P.displayReset(2); } if (Mode == 7) { P.displayAnimate(); P.getZoneStatus(2); P.setTextEffect(2, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); getmon(szMesg); P.displayReset(2); } if (Mode == 8) { P.displayAnimate(); P.getZoneStatus(2); P.setTextEffect(2, PA_PRINT, PA_NO_EFFECT); getyyyy(szMesg); P.displayReset(2); } } void buttonAisPressed() { if (NewStateOfbuttonA != StateOfbuttonA) { if (NewStateOfbuttonA == 0) { buttonA=true; } delay(50); } StateOfbuttonA = NewStateOfbuttonA; } void buttonBisPressed() { if (NewStateOfbuttonB != StateOfbuttonB) { if (NewStateOfbuttonB == 0) { buttonB=true; } delay(50); } StateOfbuttonB = NewStateOfbuttonB; } void buttonCisPressed() { if (NewStateOfbuttonC != StateOfbuttonC) { if (NewStateOfbuttonC == 0) { buttonC=true; } delay(50); } StateOfbuttonC = NewStateOfbuttonC; }
// Data file for user example user defined fonts #ifndef FONTDATA_H #define FONTDATA_H MD_MAX72XX::fontType_t numeric7Seg[] PROGMEM = { 0, // 0 0, // 1 0, // 2 0, // 3 0, // 4 0, // 5 0, // 6 0, // 7 0, // 8 0, // 9 0, // 10 0, // 11 0, // 12 0, // 13 0, // 14 0, // 15 0, // 16 0, // 17 0, // 18 0, // 19 0, // 20 0, // 21 0, // 22 0, // 23 0, // 24 0, // 25 0, // 26 0, // 27 0, // 28 0, // 29 0, // 30 0, // 31 1, 0, // 32 - 'Space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`' 5, 127, 9, 9, 9, 127, // 97 - 'a' 5, 127, 73, 73, 73, 54, // 98 - 'b' 5, 127, 65, 65, 65, 65, // 99 - 'c' 5, 127, 65, 65, 65, 62, // 100 - 'd' 5, 127, 73, 73, 73, 73, // 101 - 'e' 5, 127, 9, 9, 9, 9, // 102 - 'f' 0, // 103 - 'g' 0, // 104 - 'h' 0, // 105 - 'i' 0, // 106 - 'j' 0, // 107 - 'k' 0, // 108 - 'l' 0, // 109 - 'm' 0, // 110 - 'n' 0, // 111 - 'o' 0, // 112 - 'p' 0, // 113 - 'q' 0, // 114 - 'r' 0, // 115 - 's' 0, // 116 - 't' 0, // 117 - 'u' 0, // 118 - 'v' 0, // 119 - 'w' 0, // 120 - 'x' 0, // 121 - 'y' 0, // 122 - 'z' 0, // 123 - '{' 1, 127, // 124 - '|' 0, // 125 0, // 126 0, // 127 0, // 128 0, // 129 0, // 130 0, // 131 0, // 132 0, // 133 0, // 134 0, // 135 0, // 136 0, // 137 0, // 138 0, // 139 0, // 140 0, // 141 0, // 142 0, // 143 0, // 144 0, // 145 0, // 146 0, // 147 0, // 148 0, // 149 0, // 150 0, // 151 0, // 152 0, // 153 0, // 154 0, // 155 0, // 156 0, // 157 0, // 158 0, // 159 0, // 160 0, // 161 0, // 162 0, // 163 0, // 164 0, // 165 0, // 166 0, // 167 0, // 168 0, // 169 0, // 170 0, // 171 0, // 172 0, // 173 0, // 174 0, // 175 0, // 176 0, // 177 0, // 178 0, // 179 0, // 180 0, // 181 0, // 182 0, // 183 0, // 184 0, // 185 0, // 186 0, // 187 0, // 188 0, // 189 0, // 190 0, // 191 0, // 192 0, // 193 0, // 194 0, // 195 0, // 196 0, // 197 0, // 198 0, // 199 0, // 200 0, // 201 0, // 202 0, // 203 0, // 204 0, // 205 0, // 206 0, // 207 0, // 208 0, // 209 0, // 210 0, // 211 0, // 212 0, // 213 0, // 214 0, // 215 0, // 216 0, // 217 0, // 218 0, // 219 0, // 220 0, // 221 0, // 222 0, // 223 0, // 224 0, // 225 0, // 226 0, // 227 0, // 228 0, // 229 0, // 230 0, // 231 0, // 232 0, // 233 0, // 234 0, // 235 0, // 236 0, // 237 0, // 238 0, // 239 0, // 240 0, // 241 0, // 242 0, // 243 0, // 244 0, // 245 0, // 246 0, // 247 0, // 248 0, // 249 0, // 250 0, // 251 0, // 252 0, // 253 0, // 254 0, // 255 }; MD_MAX72XX::fontType_t numeric7Se[] PROGMEM = { 0, // 0 0, // 1 0, // 2 0, // 3 0, // 4 0, // 5 0, // 6 0, // 7 0, // 8 0, // 9 0, // 10 0, // 11 0, // 12 0, // 13 0, // 14 0, // 15 0, // 16 0, // 17 0, // 18 0, // 19 0, // 20 0, // 21 0, // 22 0, // 23 0, // 24 0, // 25 0, // 26 0, // 27 0, // 28 0, // 29 0, // 30 0, // 31 1, 0, // 32 - 'Space' 0, // 33 - '!' 0, // 34 - '"' 0, // 35 - '#' 0, // 36 - '$' 0, // 37 - '%' 0, // 38 - '&' 0, // 39 - ''' 0, // 40 - '(' 0, // 41 - ')' 0, // 42 - '*' 0, // 43 - '+' 0, // 44 - ',' 0, // 45 - '-' 1, 64, // 46 - '.' 0, // 47 - '/' 4, 127, 65, 65, 127, // 48 - '0' 4, 0, 66, 127, 64, // 49 - '1' 4, 121, 73, 73, 79, // 50 - '2' 4, 99, 73, 73, 119, // 51 - '3' 4, 15, 8, 8, 127, // 52 - '4' 4, 79, 73, 73, 121, // 53 - '5' 4, 127, 73, 73, 121, // 54 - '6' 4, 3, 1, 125, 3, // 55 - '7' 4, 119, 73, 73, 119, // 56 - '8' 4, 79, 73, 73, 127, // 57 - '9' 1, 20, // 58 - ':' 0, // 59 - ';' 0, // 60 - '<' 0, // 61 - '=' 0, // 62 - '>' 0, // 63 - '?' 0, // 64 - '@' 5, 127, 9, 9, 9, 127, // 65 - 'A' 5, 127, 73, 73, 73, 54, // 66 - 'B' 5, 127, 65, 65, 65, 65, // 67 - 'C' 5, 127, 65, 65, 65, 62, // 68 - 'D' 5, 127, 73, 73, 73, 73, // 69 - 'E' 5, 127, 9, 9, 9, 9, // 70 - 'F' 0, // 71 - 'G' 0, // 72 - 'H' 0, // 73 - 'I' 0, // 74 - 'J' 0, // 75 - 'K' 0, // 76 - 'L' 0, // 77 - 'M' 0, // 78 - 'N' 0, // 79 - 'O' 0, // 80 - 'P' 0, // 81 - 'Q' 0, // 82 - 'R' 0, // 83 - 'S' 0, // 84 - 'T' 0, // 85 - 'U' 0, // 86 - 'V' 0, // 87 - 'W' 0, // 88 - 'X' 0, // 89 - 'Y' 0, // 90 - 'Z' 0, // 91 - '[' 0, // 92 - '\' 0, // 93 - ']' 0, // 94 - '^' 0, // 95 - '_' 0, // 96 - '`' 5, 127, 9, 9, 9, 127, // 97 - 'a' 5, 127, 73, 73, 73, 54, // 98 - 'b' 5, 127, 65, 65, 65, 65, // 99 - 'c' 5, 127, 65, 65, 65, 62, // 100 - 'd' 5, 127, 73, 73, 73, 73, // 101 - 'e' 5, 127, 9, 9, 9, 9, // 102 - 'f' 0, // 103 - 'g' 0, // 104 - 'h' 0, // 105 - 'i' 0, // 106 - 'j' 0, // 107 - 'k' 0, // 108 - 'l' 0, // 109 - 'm' 0, // 110 - 'n' 0, // 111 - 'o' 0, // 112 - 'p' 0, // 113 - 'q' 0, // 114 - 'r' 0, // 115 - 's' 0, // 116 - 't' 0, // 117 - 'u' 0, // 118 - 'v' 0, // 119 - 'w' 0, // 120 - 'x' 0, // 121 - 'y' 0, // 122 - 'z' 0, // 123 - '{' 1, 127, // 124 - '|' 0, // 125 0, // 126 0, // 127 0, // 128 0, // 129 0, // 130 0, // 131 0, // 132 0, // 133 0, // 134 0, // 135 0, // 136 0, // 137 0, // 138 0, // 139 0, // 140 0, // 141 0, // 142 0, // 143 0, // 144 0, // 145 0, // 146 0, // 147 0, // 148 0, // 149 0, // 150 0, // 151 0, // 152 0, // 153 0, // 154 0, // 155 0, // 156 0, // 157 0, // 158 0, // 159 0, // 160 0, // 161 0, // 162 0, // 163 0, // 164 0, // 165 0, // 166 0, // 167 0, // 168 0, // 169 0, // 170 0, // 171 0, // 172 0, // 173 0, // 174 0, // 175 0, // 176 0, // 177 0, // 178 0, // 179 0, // 180 0, // 181 0, // 182 0, // 183 0, // 184 0, // 185 0, // 186 0, // 187 0, // 188 0, // 189 0, // 190 0, // 191 0, // 192 0, // 193 0, // 194 0, // 195 0, // 196 0, // 197 0, // 198 0, // 199 0, // 200 0, // 201 0, // 202 0, // 203 0, // 204 0, // 205 0, // 206 0, // 207 0, // 208 0, // 209 0, // 210 0, // 211 0, // 212 0, // 213 0, // 214 0, // 215 0, // 216 0, // 217 0, // 218 0, // 219 0, // 220 0, // 221 0, // 222 0, // 223 0, // 224 0, // 225 0, // 226 0, // 227 0, // 228 0, // 229 0, // 230 0, // 231 0, // 232 0, // 233 0, // 234 0, // 235 0, // 236 0, // 237 0, // 238 0, // 239 0, // 240 0, // 241 0, // 242 0, // 243 0, // 244 0, // 245 0, // 246 0, // 247 0, // 248 0, // 249 0, // 250 0, // 251 0, // 252 0, // 253 0, // 254 0, // 255 }; #endif
compilation error
ReplyDeleteYES erreur de compilation
DeleteI Had some problems but at end of the day. the code and circuit are working very Good
I made it woking perfect. Thank you & loves from Turkiye..
ReplyDeleteCan you help me? my problem is the DHT dht; line
DeleteArduino: 1.8.9 (Windows Store (Windows 10), Alaplap:"Arduino/Genuino Uno"
DeleteIn file included from C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_modified_sketch_315130\sketch_mar30a.ino:25:0:
C:\Users\User\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MD_Parola-master\src/MD_Parola.h:962:3: warning: 'typedef' was ignored in this declaration
lto1.exe: internal compiler error: in lto_output_varpool_node, at lto-cgraph.c:624
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See for instructions.
lto-wrapper.exe: fatal error: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\ArduinoLLC.ArduinoIDE_1.8.21.0_x86__mdqgnx93n4wtt\hardware\tools\avr/bin/avr-gcc returned 1 exit status
compilation terminated.
c:/program files/windowsapps/arduinollc.arduinoide_1.8.21.0_x86__mdqgnx93n4wtt/hardware/tools/avr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/5.4.0/../../../../avr/bin/ld.exe: error: lto-wrapper failed
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
exit status 1
what is the problem?
DeleteThe same error. What happen?
Deletei doesnt work with pro mini because low memory (a bit little maybe ok)
ReplyDeletecan work with arduino nanao
Deleteerrore compilazione interna non funziona!!!
ReplyDeletenon funziona con arduino nano perché poca memoria
ReplyDeleteLo sketch usa 30738 byte (100%) dello spazio disponibile per i programmi. Il massimo è 30720 byte.
ReplyDeleteLe variabili globali usano 771 byte (37%) di memoria dinamica, lasciando altri 1277 byte liberi per le variabili locali. Il massimo è 2048 byte.
Sketch troppo grande; guarda per consigli su come ridurne la dimensione
Errore durante la compilazione per la scheda Arduino Nano.
pls help me
ReplyDeleteif I compile with ARDUINO UNO it's ok, but with ARDUINO NANO (Atmega 328) a little memory error
ReplyDeletewhy? the two cards should be compatible ...
ReplyDeleteP.setFont(1, numeric7Seg);
ReplyDeleteP.setFont(0, numeric7Seg);
------- not declare in this scope-------
------- error compiling for board (all board)
pls help me!!!
Deleteplease correct the flowing line
whit Arduino Nano doesn't work.
ReplyDeletemeda error on the line
DHT dht;
no matching funtion for call to DHT :: DHT () '
please help
I use arduino 1.8.9
Tested with 8.8 / 8.5 / 8.9.
Deleteerror the same
erreur le même
Deleteis showing error MD_DS1307.h: No such file or directory
ReplyDeleteI want DATA this project .
ReplyDeletethis project is perfect.
DeleteHas anyone here tried to make this Watch with IR Remote Control? (for control)
ReplyDeleteWhen I load the sketch for the first time via USB it works, then when I turn the board off and on again I have to press the Reset button several times to run the clock. If you do not, do not turn on the watch.
ReplyDeleteWhy does this happen?
same problem with me also
DeleteThere are no seconds for me.
ReplyDeleteI had the same problem, solution is:
Deletechange P.setZone(0, 4, 1) to P.setZone(0, 0, 0);
thank you agarcia!
Hello i have error avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding is there someone who know what is this ?
ReplyDeleteWe kindly ask the author to correct alleged errors in the Arduino code. With many thanks
ReplyDeleteTry commenting the following lines;
ReplyDelete//NewStateOfbuttonA = digitalRead(4);
//NewStateOfbuttonB = digitalRead(7);
//NewStateOfbuttonC = digitalRead(8);
Seems to be something related to switch button input pin bouncing.
Need to check further..
Can you tell me the value of those resistors, please
DeleteYes i can, Thank you admin
ReplyDeleteR1, R2, R3, R4 = 10K
ReplyDeletePlz tell me how to use RTC DS3231 with arduino nano
ReplyDeletePlz tell me how to use RTC DS3231 with arduino nano
The same as in Arduino Uno
DeleteHello there, this is a nice project and with me its working fine. compiled in fist time without any error. the only issue i am facing is that when it is uploaded for first time the display is ok. but when disconnected from PC and hooked power bank, there is no display and when display comes there is no seconds displayed. any idea what could be the problem. i have replaced power bank with external
ReplyDeleteI Confirm. No more seconds after I disconnected and then reconnect to the PC.
DeletePls hlp.
Mentioned above.
Deletechange P.setZone(0, 4, 1) to P.setZone(0, 0, 0);
Also, there is no need for the 10K resistors used for so sort of 0 logic on 3,4,5 pins.
I have removed them(since PULLUP resistors are activated and is monitored only the change of the pin status)and I put the push buttons to the ground.
thank you so much bro.i also hade the same problem.after changing the valo to 0,0,0 my circuit are working well.
DeleteHello! I made it and it works just fine.
ReplyDeleteCongrats for the project!
First time compiled and no errors.
I'll try it with Nano and I will tell you if it works or not.
Kind regards.
hello may i know the how to solve the error - exit status 1
DeleteError compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno.
hello may i know the how to solve the error - exit status 1
DeleteError compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno.
I will not use a power bank unless that power bank is able to supply 5V while it is hooked at a wall charger and I haven't found one doing that till now.
ReplyDeleteWhat I will use are: the below module + one 18650 battery + a phone wall charger.
These 3 items are working as an 5V UPS.
Good luck.
The green module from that link. ”3.7V to 9V 2A”
DeleteMicro USB input, output set to 5V and the battery (at least one ofc :)) to the Bat+ and Bat-.
This module is dual - it supply 5V while charging the battery and when the input is lost it continues to supply 5V until the battery is depleted.
Dear author (or anyone else),
ReplyDeletePls adv about how to change the code in order to make, in Mode 1, the scroll not to be shown until we press one of the other push buttons, but to break after the temperature is displayed and revert to the clock. The break the loop in the end I mean.
I tried, but I am not so skilled.
Thank you.
Everything is working like a charm following the tuto2and some comments but the clock is running a bit faster.. After some days I have to correct the minutes because is 3,4 minute forward..
ReplyDeleteAny chance to fix that?
Did you connect all the Grounds? Review your connections and perhaps replace your RTC.
DeleteHi, why this code is not working for 8 panel LED display. I change #define MAX_DEVICES 4 to #define MAX_DEVICES 8
ReplyDeleteHello, set up your circuit, I have a problem with the clock, the minutes are delayed, I use the DS3231 module, when loading the code, the seconds in the 4 digit do not appear, can you help me
ReplyDeleteGuys, correct the size and location of the zones.
ReplyDeleteWorks on any number of matrices, if you choose the right zones.
ReplyDeletei need help with this error
ReplyDeleteArduino: 1.8.19 (Windows 10), Vývojová doska:"Arduino Uno"
C:\Users\ziakp\OneDrive\Dokumenty\Arduino\libraries\MD_Parola\src\MD_Parola.cpp: In member function 'bool MD_Parola::begin(uint8_t)':
C:\Users\ziakp\OneDrive\Dokumenty\Arduino\libraries\MD_Parola\src\MD_Parola.cpp:41:21: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
bool b = _D.begin(); // method return status
exit status 1
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sorry i have it in slovakia language